This webinar, the second in a series on social science research related to vaccine trials, brought together social science and community engagement experts to draw on their experiences from clinical trials during COVID-19 and past epidemics and discuss issues related to everyday ethical and practical challenges in community engagement work.
Watch the recording
Moderated by Prof. Shelley Lees (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom & Co-Chair of the Social Science Working Group )
- Mr Mahmood H. Bangura (University of Makeni & EBOVAC-Salone, Sierra Leone)
- Ms Noni Mumba (KEMRI – Welcome Trust Research Programme, Kenya)
- Dr Malina Osman (Universiti Putra Malaysia)
- Mr Benjamin Shukuru Kasiwa (World Vision & Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs, Democratic Republic of Congo)
- Mr Grace Kasereka (Sonder Collective, Democratic Republic of Congo)