CERCLE – Coalition for Equitable ResearCh in Low-resource sEttings, previously COVID-19 Clinical Research Coalition, advances research driven by the needs of people in low-resource settings around the world. We are more than 900 scientific organizations and individuals from 98 countries, and we are leading, planning or participating in research and advocacy projects to benefit populations that haven’t been prioritized in the global research response. New members are always welcome – join us!

Stay tuned
Our events
Coalition membership currently includes 902 individuals from 98 countries, comprising 235 institutional members with 506 representatives from 69 countries, and 396 individual members from 82 countries.
Working groups
Our members are working on many projects through expert working or advisory groups – see the topic list below. Several of these groups have developed shortlists of priority projects in low-resource settings.
- Clinical Epidemiology
- Data Management & Data Sharing
- Ethics
- Maternal, Newborn & Child Health
- Regulatory
- Social Science
- Study design & Analytics
- Supply and Market Dynamics; Medicine Quality
- Therapeutics & Clinical Pharmacology
- Immunology & Diagnostics
We have developed a library of resources and tools suggested by our working groups and individual members. We also maintain a searchable table of scientific publications on infectious diseases as well as AMR co-authored by members: