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A global research response to infectious diseases
driven by the needs of people in low-resource settings

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CERCLE – Coalition for Equitable ResearCh in Low-resource sEttings, previously COVID-19 Clinical Research Coalition, advances research driven by the needs of people in low-resource settings around the world. We are more than 900 scientific organizations and individuals from 98 countries, and we are leading, planning or participating in research and advocacy projects to benefit populations that haven’t been prioritized in the global research response. New members are always welcome – join us!

We leverage global expertise and promote partnerships to support impactful research
Research areas
We champion equitable research and advocate for translation of its outputs into policies and practices, and affordable access to its products
About us
We promote sharing of research knowledge and data, and remove obstacles to timely research
We advocate for equitable research funding to address key priorities in low-resource settings

Stay tuned

We managed to have COVID-19 vaccines produced with ethical approval, but we were not able to distribute them ethically. Can we think differently? We need to broaden our ethical frameworks, and we need to evaluate our international research partnerships to ensure that they embody solidarity, recognition of local solutions and expertise, and justice.
Prof. Caesar Atuire
International Health & Tropical Medicine, University of Oxford, UK; Dept of Philosophy & Classics, University of Ghana; member of CERCLE’s Ethics Working Group


Coalition membership currently includes 902 individuals from 98 countries, comprising 235 institutional members with 506 representatives from 69 countries, and 396 individual members from 82 countries.

See our members

Working groups

Our members are working on many projects through expert working or advisory groups – see the topic list below. Several of these groups have developed shortlists of priority projects in low-resource settings.

Note: Clinical Pharmacology and Drug Candidates WG has been merged with the Therapeutics WG
Working groups


We have developed a library of resources and tools suggested by our working groups and individual members. We also maintain a searchable table of scientific publications on infectious diseases as well as AMR co-authored by members:

See our members
We are looking for dedicated individuals and institutions who are eager to contribute their expertise and commitment to fast-track research in infectious diseases with potential for epidemics and pandemics, as well as antimicrobial resistance (AMR), specific to low-resource settings.