Call for partners to validate simple markers to help identify moderately ill COVID patients for home management
The PRIORITISE study developed and validate three clinical prediction models that could help identify patients presenting with moderate Covid-19 who could safely be managed in the community. The PRIORITISE team would like to hear from groups interested in collaborating to further validate the findings.
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Coalition seeks Therapeutics Review Consultant
The coalition is looking for a part-time Therapeutics Review Consultant to systematically review data or evidence on COVID-19 therapeutics and produce a weekly summary report. The Therapeutics Review Consultant will be a vital link in the compilation of existing evidence, which will provide an open access source of information for researchers and inform the discussions of the Therapeutics Working Group.
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Effective, equitable, and efficient sharing of individual level data: Recommendations, solutions, and ways forward
In this webinar experts and members of the Data Sharing Working Group shared initiatives to promote effective, equitable, and efficient data sharing for COVID-19 clinical research.
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Meet Dr Sauman Singh – Coalition representative to the ACT-Accelerator Therapeutics Partnership
Following the coalition’s efforts to increase the representation of researchers from low- and middle-income countries in the ACT-Accelerator Therapeutics Partnership, four coalition members have joined its workstreams.
Meet Dr Sauman Singh, from DNDi and IDDO, India, who joined workstream 2.
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COVID-19 therapeutics in resource-constrained settings: Where are we and what do we need?
Where are we today with new and emerging therapeutics that would be both effective and affordable in preventing the progression of mild or moderate COVID-19 and thereby prevent hospitalization? A couple of promising treatments have emerged recently, with early efforts underway to make these drugs more available than COVID-19 vaccines have been. What are the current research priorities, and do current efforts meet the needs?
These were the key questions addressed in a recent webinar hosted by the COVID-19 Clinical Research Coalition.
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New Report on COVID-19 Vaccine Access
Following a workshop on access to COVID-19 vaccines, experts from the Global Health Strategy Group for Digital Health and AI for health (an initiative of the University of Oxford), and the Supply & Market Dynamics; Medicine Quality Working Group of the COVID-19 Clinical Research Coalition just issued a report capturing challenges affecting supply, distribution, and access issues for people in low-resource settings.
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We need context-specific evidence to inform public health pandemic strategies in low-resource settings: A consideration of lockdowns
Nearly two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr Wilber Sabiiti, co-chair of the coalition's Virology, Immunology and Diagnostics Working Group, makes a case for the need to strengthen context-specific evidence generation to guide pandemic strategies. In this Viewpoint, he looks at diverging approaches in Uganda and Tanzania, in their use of national lockdowns.
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Call for members: New working group on COVID-19 therapeutics
The COVID-19 Clinical Research Coalition is calling for nominations for members of a new Therapeutics Working Group.
In low-resource settings, there is relatively little COVID-19 therapeutics research taking place. There is also uncertainty on the future affordability and availability of any proven therapeutics in such settings. A platform to discuss COVID-19 therapeutics in low-resource settings and promote relevant research and priorities would be beneficial. A new coalition working group has been proposed, to fill this gap.
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Meet Dr Nada Melhem – Coalition representative to the ACT-Accelerator Therapeutics Partnership
Following the coalition’s efforts to increase the representation of researchers from low- and middle-income countries in the ACT-Accelerator Therapeutics Partnership, four coalition members have joined its workstreams.
Meet Dr Nada Melhem, from the American University of Beirut in Lebanon, who joined workstream 1 which focuses on rapid evidence assessment of therapeutic candidates.
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