In this webinar, scientists from Brazil, India, Thailand, and the US discuss the ethics, safety, and justification for evaluating hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine to prevent COVID-19, in a context of guidance having been recently issued by the World Health Organization to halt the use of these drugs to treat the disease.
- Dr Phaik Yeong Cheah, University of Oxford (Mahidol-Oxford Research Unit), Thailand & Chair of the COVID-19 Clinical Research Coalition’s Data Sharing Working Group
- Dr Beatriz Thome, Federal University of São Paolo, Brazil
- Dr Anant Bhan, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal / Yenepoya University, India & Member of the coalition’s Ethics Working Group
- Prof. Sir Nicholas White, University of Oxford (Mahidol-Oxford Research Unit), Thailand & Chair of the coalition’s Steering Committee
- Dr Susanna Naggie, Duke Clinical Research Institute, USA