Survey Summary Report | Obstacles to the conduct of COVID-19 clinical research in low- and middle-income countries
Excessive bureaucracy has been identified as an obstacle to the conduct of clinical research in many settings. Complex requirements and lengthy processes often delay and sometimes prevent the initiation of research work. In this survey, we sought to gain high-level insights into how researchers and health professionals regard the effects of the various bureaucratic processes and their impact on the conduct of COVID- 19 clinical research.
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Building community trust for COVID-19 vaccine confidence and deployment
This third webinar in a series on vaccines by the coalition’s Social Science Working Group brought together experts to discuss issues related to research on vaccines and deployment during COVID-19 pandemic and past epidemics and share lessons learned for building trust to improve COVID-19 vaccination uptake.
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Nuffield Ethical Compass to be adopted in the Philippines
Coalition Ethics Working Group members Ms Katharine Wright and Dr Leonardo de Castro recently participated in the 14th Annual Philippines Health Research Week under the theme ‘Health R&D in the New Normal: Moving Towards Universal Health Care’. A key outcome of the meeting was the adoption of the Ethical Compass as a guide for Research Ethics Committee processes in the Philippines.
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Setting up biorepositiories and increasing sequencing capacity to respond to SARS-CoV-2 in LMICs
The Virology, Immunology and Diagnostics Working Group organized a webinar to discuss the role of biorepositories and efforts underway to increase COVID-19 sample preservation and storage, as well as the sequencing capacity in LMICs and strategies for increasing it.
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A Snapshot on COVID-19 Diagnostics Access & Availability in LMICs – Results summary of a short survey
Building on concerns of low access to and availability of diagnostics for COVID-19 in resource-limited settings, a survey was carried out to provide initial insight into the country-specific landscape of diagnostics. This survey report highlights the current tests available in different countries, obstacles to access and availability of diagnostics, as well as possible solutions to the identified obstacles as perceived by respondents.
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COVID-19 policy report: Another triumph of science, but defeat for access?
Coalition member and co-founder DNDi has just issued a policy report, ‘Another triumph of science, but defeat for access? Ensuring innovation and equitable access for COVID-19 treatments, other infectious diseases, and future pandemics’. The report urges the international community to learn the early lessons – and avoid repeating the mistakes – of the past year when it comes to innovation of and access to COVID-19 therapeutics, a deeply neglected area within the COVID-19 response.
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A TRIPS waiver is urgently needed to make progress on COVID-19 vaccine equity
The coalition's Social Science Working Group and co-signatories have published a viewpoint on vaccine equity, arguing that a temporary TRIPS waiver is needed for COVID-19 vaccines and other medicines. Vaccine inequity is amongst the most significant social justice issues of our generation, and it poses a major threat to the global COVID-19 response. Urgent action is needed to improve equity and bring an end to the COVID-19 pandemic, including in low- and middle-income countries.
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INTERVIEW I Dr Brenda Okware on CBC Radio
Dr Brenda Okware, Scientific Coordinator of the COVID-19 Clinical Research Coalition, was recently featured on Canada's Most Listened-to Radio Program, The Current hosted by Matt Galloway on CBC Radio.
She discussed recent COVID-19 developments in Uganda as well as equitable access to vaccines in low- and middle-income countries.
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Finding treatments for COVID-19: Phase 2 study seeks partner sites
PLATCOV is a phase 2 platform study assessing antivirals in early COVID-19 disease. It is looking for sites to be able to rapidly set up and recruit into this platform trial within 4 months, for an 18 month period. The study is run out of the Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit in Bangkok, Thailand, led by Professor Sir Nicholas White and sponsored by the University of Oxford. The study has funding and is ready to begin.
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