Nathalie Strub-Wourgaft

PANdemic preparedness plaTform for Health and Emerging infections Response (PANTHER)

Steering Committee Member
Support Group Member

Dr Nathalie Strub-Wourgaft is the General Delegate of PANTHER.

Previously, she worked for the Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative (DNDi) and was a member of the Executive Team as Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) and COVID Director. She holds over 30 years of experience in R&D. As Former Director of NTDs, Dr Strub-Wourgaft provided strategic and technical oversight to a wide portfolio of R&D and access plans for therapeutic areas covering Sleeping Sickness, Chagas disease, Cutaneous and Visceral Leishmaniasis, Filaria, & Mycetoma. In 2018, through an international public and private partnership including a scientific platform from Africa, DNDI developed Fexinidazole, its first new chemical entity registered from its portfolio.

Nathalie led DNDi’s response to COVID-19, as Coordinator of the ANTICOV study Consortium and one of the initiators of the COVID 19 clinical research coalition. She was involved in several working groups dedicated to therapeutics for COVID, with a specific focus on LMIC needs and settings. Prior to this position, Dr Strub-Wourgaft created and held the Medical Director position at DNDi, where she notably developed the organisation’s quality, pharmacovigilance and regulatory activities.

Prior to DNDi, Dr Strub-Wourgaft served as Clinical Development Director at Trophos, and held many related roles within Pfizer, Lundbeck and Aspreva. Dr Strub-Wourgaft graduated as Medical Doctor from Necker Hospital, Université René Descartes in Paris in 1983. She co-authored several scientific publications in peer-review journals.