Bharath Kumar
Apollo Hospitals, Chennai
Dr Bharath Kumar Tirupakuzhi Vijayaraghavan is a Critical Care Physician based in Chennai, India. He leads the Indian Registry of IntenSive care (IRIS), a network of ICUs across India and through IRIS, is a member of the ISARIC coalition. In addition, he serves on the Research Committee of the Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine. He is also an Honorary Senior Fellow at the George Institute for Global Health, New Delhi, India. Bharath Kumar leads a number of COVID and non-COVID research projects in resource-limited settings and is focused on epidemiology and clinical trials. Specific to COVID-19, he is the PI for a trial of HCQ prophylaxis for HCWs (HOPE trial) and is an International Steering Committee member for the COVID-Steroid 2 trial, which is comparing low vs. high dose Dexamethasone for critically ill patients with COVID-19. In addition, he serves on the International WHO respiratory support panel which focuses on trials of respiratory support for critically ill COVID-19 patients. He was also the site investigator for the WHO-led SOLIDARITY trial of repurposed therapies for COVID-19.