WEBINAR | Coalición de Investigación Clínica en COVID-19: Prioridades en Latinoamérica

Learn more about the COVID-19 Clinical Research Coalition in this webinar hosted by ORAS-CONHU that will include speakers from the coalition’s Steering Committee and several expert working groups.
Even before the SARS-COV-2 outbreaks around the world were formally declared a pandemic, the research response was rapid and impressive. There were already hundreds of clinical studies on COVID-19 planned or underway by March 2020 – mostly in or for the world’s wealthiest countries.
Today, more than 2500 clinical studies have been registered globally, but there is still a notable lack of large, coordinated clinical studies to definitively answer the pressing research questions of resource-limited settings. The COVID-19 Clinical Research Coalition was launched in April 2020 by researchers, scientists, policy makers, and funders who wanted to facilitate research identified as a priority by and in low-resource settings.
The webinar will be held in Spanish and English.
Watch the recording in Spanish
Watch the recording in English
- Greeting & presentation of the agenda by Dr Patricia Jiménez, ORAS-CONHU
- Welcome remarks by Dr María del Carmen Calle, ORAS-CONHU
- An introduction to the COVID-19 Clinical Research Coalition by Dr Patricia García, Cayetano Heredia University, Perú, and member of Coalition Steering Committee
- An overview of COVID-19 clinical research priorities in low-resource settings from three Coalition working groups:
- Clinical Epidemiology Working Group by Dr Juan Carlos Villar, Fundación Cardioinfantil, Instituto de Cardiología, Colombia and co-chair of Coalition Clinical Epidemiology WG
- Maternal Newborn & Child Health (MNCH) Working Group by Dr Jackeline Alger, Faculty of Medical Sciences (Facultad de Ciencias Médicas), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, and member of Coalition MNCH WG
- Social Sciences Working Group by Prof. Shelley Lees, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK and co-chair of Coalition Social Science WG
- Developing international recommendations for ethics committees when reviewing vaccine clinical trials during public health emergencies by Dr Sofía P. Salas, Center for Bioethics, Faculty of Medicine Clínica Alemana, Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile and member of Coalition Ethics WG
- Accelerating the production of COVID-19 therapeutic evidence: The role & challenges of data-sharing by Prof. Philippe Guérin, Infectious Diseases Data Observatory (IDDO), UK & member of Coalition Steering Committee
- Closing remarks by Dr María del Carmen Calle, ORAS-CONHU