Effective, equitable, and efficient sharing of individual level data: Recommendations, solutions, and ways forward

COVID-19 Clinical Research Coalition

This webinar, organised by the coalition’s Data Sharing Working Group, aims to share initiatives to promote effective, equitable, and efficient data sharing; and to share experiences of overcoming barriers related to data sharing in low- and middle-income countries. Findings from the working group’s WHO funded project focusing on solutions rather than challenges will be reported.

Watch the recording


Welcome and introductionDr Sharon Kaur, University of Malaya, Malaysia

Introduction to WHO funded projects and Data Sharing Working GroupProf. Phaik Yeong Cheah, MORU, Thailand

Broad Consent for Future Use:  A qualitative study of ERC members’ attitudes towards data and sample sharing in Colombia – Dr Maria Consuelo Miranda Montoya, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia

Accelerating science in public health emergencies: Data sharing solutions for international collaborationLaura Merson, Infectious Diseases Data Observatory (IDDO), UK

Data sharing information requirements in ICTRP registries: what have we learnedDr Duduzile Ndwandwe, South African Medical Research Council, South Africa

Q&A and closing remarks – Robert Terry, Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), Switzerland



9 March 2022 - 13:00 CET
Organized by: COVID-19 Clinical Research Coalition


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