AVAREF Webinar for Developers/PDPs and COVID Vaccine manufacturers – AVAREF facilitated options for vaccine access and clinical trials in Africa

AVAREF Webinar for Developers/PDPs and COVID Vaccine manufacturers – AVAREF facilitated options for vaccine access and clinical trials in Africa

Since 2006, the African Vaccines Regulatory Forum (AVAREF) has been working with the countries in Africa to facilitate joint reviews of multi country clinical trials, in a harmonized procedure. Recently, in response to the ongoing pandemic and need for accelerated access to quality vaccines, AVAREF is facilitating the emergency use authorization of vaccines by countries in the continent. Using a procedure developed and approved by the 40 sub-Saharan countries in the WHO AFRO region and  the 14 countries in the African continent which are under the WHO EMRO region, AVAREF has  to date, facilitated  approval of several multi country clinical trials and regulatory authorization of  products including COVID-19 vaccines.

Save the date: Join AVAREF on Thursday, 3 June 2021, 2PM-3:30PM UTC, to find out how this all works and what the benefits of the AVAREF joint review procedures are.

Invitation and other details will follow.



3 June 2021 - 14:00 - 15:30 CEST


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