Addressing neglected COVID-19 research priorities in low-resource settings

When the coalition was launched in April 2020, most COVID-19 clinical research being planned or conducted was taking place in high-income countries. One year later, only 11.2% of COVID-19 research projects are exclusively in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).
Following the two-day “COVID-19 Research in LMICs” meeting in March organized by the COVID CIRCLE in collaboration with the COVID-19 Clinical Research Coalition, and the coalition’s first all-members assembly on 2 June 2021, we are convening a meeting of the coalition’s expert working groups with key funders to present projects developed in response to a shortlist of identified priority research questions. Topics will include those identified by the following working groups: Clinical Epidemiology | Virology, Immunology & Diagnostics | Social Science | Maternal, Newborn & Child Health | Ethics | Data Sharing.
Watch the recording
Key meeting objectives
- Give coalition members an opportunity to share with funders the projects being developed, based on working group-identified COVID-19 research priorities in low-resource settings.
- Provide funders with a “no-strings-attached” opportunity to learn more and ask questions about proposed projects.
- Create a forum for open discussion on how we can collectively facilitate priority research in resource-limited settings.
Keynote speakers
- Prof. Dr Veronika von Messling | Director-General for Life Sciences at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research | Germany
- Dr Soumya Swaminathan | Chief Scientist at World Health Organization | Switzerland
- Prof. Charles Shey Wiysonge | Director of Cochrane South Africa & GloPID-R Vice Chair | South Africa