This trial evaluated the efficacy of Remdesivir in patients with moderate COVID-19.
Primary objective: To evaluate the efficacy of 2 Remdesivir regimens compared to standard of care (SOC), with respect to clinical status assessed by a 7-point ordinal scale on Day 11
Type of study: Interventional, RCT, Phase 3
Treatment tested: Remdesivir
Countries: France, Germany, Honk Kong, Italy, The Netherlands, South Korea, Singapore, Switzerland, Spain, Taiwan, UK, USA
Number of sites: N/A
Sample size: 1,600
Study participants: Adults, confirmed PCR, Hospitalized, Radiographic evidence of pulmonary infiltrates, SpO2 >94%
Study status: Completed
Study documents
More information
- Study ID: NCT04292730
- Trial registry
- Publication: JAMA, September 2020
Last modified: September 2020
Note that study-related documents posted on the COVID-19 Clinical Research Coalition (COVID-19 CRC) website have been shared by coalition members for information. Some may have been approved by Ethics Review Boards and others may still be in draft form. Documents posted here may have been further amended before being used in the conduct of the respective trials they were designed for. It is recommended that users review these documents carefully and, if they plan to use them, adapt them appropriately for their intended use. The COVID-19 CRC and its members cannot accept any liability for any claim, loss or damages as a result of any reliance placed on, or use of, these documents.